How to Safely Wear Your Contact Lenses and Keep Them Clean
Summary: Wearing contact lenses is a full-time job that shouldn’t be overlooked. Here are some reasons why you should never treat them with a lack of care. Contact lenses are delicate vision correction tools that should be treated with care. This means you should always be following your optometrist’s directions…

How Can I Tell If I Meet The Minimum Vision Requirements To Drive In California?
Article submitted by Delta Driving School The most common eye test, and the one that is often used to determine if you can see well enough to drive, is called a Snellen Chart. You have undoubtedly seen one of these charts somewhere as a poster with one big letter at…

What Are Toric Contact Lenses and Do You Need Them?
Summary: Toric contact lenses are a special type of contact lenses designed for those that have an irregularly shaped cornea. Toric contact lenses are designed for patients that suffer from astigmatism and works to correct the refractive error that is commonly caused by the irregular shape of the cornea. These…